- Not feeling very well. Hope folks have fun at #smbdc but I'm not going to be able to make it. #
- @cyberdad Depends on what I want to do and what type of video. What are you editing? in reply to cyberdad #
- Why Twitter is Worth More Than Facebook (At Least to Me) http://ff.im/-iWtHr #
- Optimist Unveils First Student Newspaper iPad Application http://ff.im/-iWtUh #
- @KevinLoker They were the ones who announced it via press release the day or day after iPad was announced. in reply to KevinLoker #
- Took most of the day off today. Mostly to sleep. Was feeling under the weather. Feeling refreshed now. Work. After, I will schedule. #
- Adobe CS5 launched, wallets everywhere cry out as one and are silenced http://ff.im/-iWxMC #
- @ksshew Yes, @fredmcclimans noted that what we value about Twitter is very much dependent on our perspective. in reply to ksshew #
- @greglinch @jayrosen_nyu @ethanklapper Access to a semantic search engine that can suggest links would help also. in reply to greglinch #
- @greglinch Agreed, but displaying options would be good. Like how Zemanta works in Windows Live Writer. cc/ @jayrosen_nyu @ethanklapper in reply to greglinch #
- "All the web's a stage" – In "Such Tweet Sorrow" actors play out Romeo and Juliet with Twitter as the stage. http://aramzs.me/twsp #
- @Digidave I don't think that Flash is disappearing at the rate people are saying. The ecosystem for Flash will not just disappear. in reply to Digidave #
- @gotoplanb Yes, though it depends on specs and how much. in reply to gotoplanb #
- @gotoplanb That sounds good. About how long does your battery last and why are you getting rid of it? in reply to gotoplanb #
- Online and multimedia storytelling from the 2010 Pulitzer Prize winners http://ff.im/-iWGiu #
- @gotoplanb For $100 I'm def in. Switch to e-mail? azuckers (at) gmu.edu in reply to gotoplanb #
- @greglinch I'd assume that they stay resident at the top of the search page. Does that mean they exist outside of what apps pull? in reply to greglinch #
- @greglinch Interesting. Article has more detail than some of the others. Thanks! re:Twitter ads – http://bit.ly/9SZY5h in reply to greglinch #
- @kelshew Lol. I don't know about 3 am, but until midnight would be nice. in reply to kelshew #
- A Comparison of what Checked Bags Cost. http://ff.im/-iXzjr #
- Screencasts to record. Gotta get on that ASAP. #
- Following #asne10 If you are intrested in newsrooms, you should do the same. http://bit.ly/cioovh #
- @acarvin The same thing happened to me recently. If you find out, tell me. in reply to acarvin #
- Create better searches using search fields and Boolean logic – http://bit.ly/dfsBy6 #collegejourn #
- Gah! Finished all but the screencasts. Doing now. Wish I had woken up earlier. #
- @cyberdad There is pretty much no way to directly edit VOB files with any ease. Better to convert them to something else (AVIs for example) in reply to cyberdad #
- @cyberdad You can ten edit them in pretty much anything and convert them back. in reply to cyberdad #
- Is Hamas robbing the poor? http://ff.im/-iYxwo #
- Learn more about becoming a foreign correspondent from the Executive Editor of @GlobalPost – http://bit.ly/b6bW4a #
- Google Buzz Coming To TweetDeck http://ff.im/-iYIlO #
- Entire Coffee Shop Staff Quits Simultaneously http://ff.im/-iYINF #
- Tough love: Gawker finds making it harder for comments to be seen leads to more (and better) comments http://ff.im/-iYJyb #
- Slide to Comment: The Newest and Sexiest Way to Fight WordPress Spam http://ff.im/-iYKJl #
- Optimism, collaboration reign supreme at day one of ASNE conference http://ff.im/-iYL7w #
- RT @wpjenna: Hipsters on food stamps: "I'm sort of a foodie, & I'm not going to do the 'living off ramen' thing" http://bit.ly/drAkpL #
- PW bus to Fairfax now almost 15min late. WTF #gmu #
- Hipster Puppies Site Lands Book Deal; Creator Explores the "Natural Tumblr-to-Book Ecosystem" http://ff.im/-iZ0z0 #
- Trip to PW a complete waste of time. 45 min of class for what looks like it is going to be 2.5 hours round-trip travel. Why? #
- @donohoe They should. :/ in reply to donohoe #
- Anyone use a video chat program with more than 5 people that works? #
- @reasaurus Each of the five get to be their own video floating head. in reply to reasaurus #
- @ninjaclectic Ironic. Their database appears to be down. Fail Whale? in reply to ninjaclectic #
- @RebeccaAmes LOL. Not that it wouldn't be interesting but that poll 2 years out is pretty much as accurate as pulling numbers out of a hat. in reply to RebeccaAmes #
- via @jayrosen_nyu: Allbritton's new DC-local prepares for launch w/users and conversation as the twin focal points http://jr.ly/3c7q #SoNM #
- Like me and can't access the article about the Library of Congress archiving all tweets? Here's the cached version – http://aramzs.me/a #
- RT @hgondo: Journalismjobs.com founder says that news orgs are hiring again http://bit.ly/afCCSM (h/t about.com) #
- @hidama We should go for most ridiculous: Lib of Congress archives all your Tweets, also cheezburger posts. TEHY R AFTR ME CATS!
in reply to hidama #
- Hey, I'm Aram. I'm the New Media Manager for @UPIU and the Technology Manager for @GMUStudentMedia – Hello everyone. #wjchat #
- RT @wjchat: Q1: How does your newsroom handle anonymous comments? What contributed to that decision? #wjchat #
- Too true – RT @webjournalist: Q2: Nothing is anonymous online. News site or otherwise. Sorry. #wjchat #
- @RebeccaAmes Eh, the Republican field is a lot more open than people think. There is still plenty of time for a dark horse. in reply to RebeccaAmes #
- Has everyone read about how Gawker deals with comments? I like their caste system – http://bit.ly/9MZyD3 #wjchat #
- @alexpriest Congratulations! in reply to alexpriest #
- @Franco_F Heh, she's got the ghost hands for sure
in reply to Franco_F #
- @laurenmichell I've noticed that Mint tends to be anywhere from a few hours to a whole day behind at times.
in reply to laurenmichell #
- @MacDivaONA Yeah, not super useful for me either. I run two of the other accounts it suggested, which I guess makes sense. in reply to MacDivaONA #
- @grace_kendall I've got started on a project that may require frequent off-topic live tweets, so I'm opening up livetweet account – @AramZS in reply to grace_kendall #
- Will.i.am @iamwill (founder of Black Eyed Peas) talks about what Twitter means to performers http://ff.im/-j2FTC #
- Tea Party Doesn’t Even Know What Tea Party Is About http://ff.im/-j2G95 #
- @MacDivaONA Something more along the lines of Mr. Tweet I guess? Mostly, something useful. in reply to MacDivaONA #
- I want a working power socket in the JC. Is that really too much to ask for? #
- Hey! @Scobleizer is in my marketing textbook. #
- RT @connect2mason Sodexo Employees Strike, March on North Plaza: http://bit.ly/db8Mky #gmu #seiu #
- Just finished: Read 335 pages of textbook for final. Ugh. #
- @MacDivaONA Whoa, no more free ning service? That is sort of huge. #
- All done with my @GMUStudentMedia booth for #gmuo – hope everyone had fun. Looking for someone to film now. #
- The End is Nigh: How Goldman Sachs Triggered the Apocalypse http://ff.im/-j9bDv #
- Hey #collegejourn – don't forget to come to today's chat! 8pm at collegejourn.com – topic: How are you going mobile? #
- Famous Hacker Calls Windows More Secure than Mac [Operating Systems] http://ff.im/-jah2d #
- Data Underload #18 – Sleep Schedule http://ff.im/-jahtV #
- Reporters Can’t Be Shy http://ff.im/-jahvF #
- @jmheckman @srubenfeld @jameswest @LucyDuffield @AdamBSullivan @TheMontage Hi, hope you have time to chat at collegejourn.com tonight. #
- RT @UPIU: Tonight's #collegejourn chat! 8-10pm ET at http://collegejourn.com. Topic: Mobile platforms & college media. You should come by! #
- You should join us for #collegejourn chat http://collegejourn.com @dpstud @shannonphilpott @baileyludlam @emilyingram Topic:mobile #
- Tonight's #collegejourn chat! 8-10pm ET at http://collegejourn.com. Topic: Mobile platforms & college media. You should come by! #
- @stevebuttry I hear you are the person to talk to re:mobile. We'd love it if you could join at http://collegejourn.com for today's chat. #
- Still hoping to see some more folks for the #collegejourn chat on mobile tonight! Come talk at http://collegejourn.com. #
- Talking iPads at http://collegejourn.com #
- Talking app dev at #collegejourn chat – http://collegejourn.com #
- In our #collegejourn chat tonight-What mobile devices or apps are the most useful for reporters? Join us http://collegejourn.com #
- Thanks @greglinch @andrewrobinson @kaleemux @majorh @polarscribe @saleemkhan @stevebuttry and all who participated in #collegejourn chat. #
- @lopta That's odd. What error did it throw up? in reply to lopta #
- Thanks to everyone who participated in #collegejourn chat tonight. If you have an idea for next week's, give me the heads up! #
- Just watching videos from the JMU riot. Not sure how I missed that it had happened before. #
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